You have spent your entire adult life working hard to support your family. Your wife and your kids enjoyed a healthy and happy life in no small part because you chose to provide that for them. Your spouse stayed home to care for the house and to help raise the...
Firm News
Warning signs of parental alienation in a Nebraska divorce
Joint or shared custody with your ex after divorce can lead to unpleasant discussions and confrontations even in the best circumstances. In a highly contentious divorce, it is possible that one parent will use the children as a weapon against the other, with...
Does your divorce threaten to dissolve your business?
Divorce impacts many areas of life, both personal and practical. For business owners, divorce may require extra planning and careful execution. Without a strong legal strategy, a business owner's divorce may end up dissolving or crippling the business itself,...
Enforcing your parenting plan if your ex refuses parenting time
Divorcing as a parent in Nebraska means worrying about what changes in custody will mean for your relationship with your children. Specifically, if things become very contentious with your ex, you might worry that they will withhold parenting time from you as a means...
Issues that can lead to one parent getting full custody
For the most part, the Nebraska courts try to create custody arrangements in parenting plans that focus on the best interests of the children. In almost all situations, those best interests will involve having a good relationship with both of their parents after the...
Joint custody helps your child stay healthy
As a divorced father, the biggest question you may ask in a child custody dispute is what is really best for your child. You care about them. You care about their health, wellness and happiness. What can you do to seek that out every step of the way?One thing you can...
What happens to your house and cabin in a Nebraska divorce?
Real estate is one form of investment that most people consider infallible. While certain areas may experience fluctuations in price, overall, real estate tends to trend upward. Local property values improve with a stronger economy, but population increases also...
Military members face consequences for cheating
For most divorces in Nebraska, infidelity isn't a major issue. Given that most couples file no-fault divorces and that the Nebraska family courts cannot consider marital misconduct when dividing your assets, adultery has next to no impact on the average divorce...
Children’s items and sharing custody: Protecting purchases
There are times when you may buy something for your child that you believe they need. If you are living with your spouse at the time, then there would probably never be a thought that you'd need to buy two of the same item. After you divorce or separate from your...
Consider a custody modification after your military service
Securing shared custody can be a difficult prospect for service members in the United States military. Their active duty status may preclude them from being able to offer the kind of in-person support that young children tend to demand. Not being home when the kids...