Dads have Rights Too

Dads have Rights Too

Experienced Guidance And Due Diligence

Strict guidelines are enforced for child support orders in Nebraska. However, the guidelines do involve some interpretation of circumstances that are particular to each case. It is critical to have strong legal representation from a detail-oriented lawyer who can fully evaluate your circumstances and present your case fairly and accurately.

At The Law Offices of James A. Adams PCLLO, I provide each of my clients with the confidence that their interests are accounted and advocated for. You need an attorney who can ensure your child support order is fair and equitable. The parent who is the primary income provider should not be left to contribute an unfair amount of resources in any child support order.

Establishing Fairness In Child Support

Nebraska law provides a formula (guidelines) that determines child support levels in each divorce, paternity or modification case that involves children. It is influenced by a number of factors, which can affect the calculation of child support such as:

  • Parents’ gross monthly incomes
  • Second jobs, and overtime and bonus income
  • Commission-based incomes
  • Taxes that are withheld from gross incomes
  • Contributions to retirement plans (mandatory vs. voluntary)
  • Contributions to health insurance plans
  • Custody arrangement and parenting time of each parent
  • Travel costs associated with the exercise of parenting time
  • Child(ren)’s special needs and their costs as may be discussed in parenting plans

If you are paid on commission, work more than one job, have been unemployed recently, own your own business, collect disability benefits, work irregularly or have any other extenuating circumstances, it can be difficult to establish a gross monthly income. Several other factors could influence the formula set forth in the child support guidelines, and only a highly experienced attorney can properly assess your unique situation and best advocate for your interests.

I also help my clients in need of child support modification. Job loss, relocation, loss of income, health issues and more may influence your ability to make support payments as defined in your original decree or agreement. Also, if your ex-spouse has missed payments or refuses to make full payments, I can help you with child support enforcement.

Contact An Experienced Lawyer Today

Remember – dads have rights, too! Call me today to schedule a meeting and to learn more about your options. You can reach my office in Omaha toll-free at 800-561-9043. You may also contact me online. My office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.