An Experienced Lawyer Preserving Your Right To Parent
There is a gender bias in the court system. Traditionally, fathers were given secondary status in a parenting time/custody dispute. Still, today they often do not get a fair chance to exercise their parenting rights. Fathers often feel as though they must prove a child’s mother is horribly unfit before getting any consideration in a custody dispute.
This is a reflection of times past when fathers were viewed as breadwinners, and mothers were seen as homemakers and the caregivers for the children. Today, women are integrating into roles traditionally held by men. As a result, more men are transitioning into the home and nurturer role. Unfortunately, the family court system has not always kept up with changes in the workforce and in the home.
At The Law Offices of James A. Adams PCLLO, I believe that if you were once an involved dad, you have the right to remain an involved and potentially custodial dad. I intensely fight for fathers’ rights in child custody disputes.
I Remain Clear-Headed In The Heat Of Battle
I am a former Marine sniper who focuses his bulldog mentality on aggressive custody litigation.
Are you uncertain of what steps to take? Many fathers are unsure of how to proceed when faced with custody issues. If you are facing a divorce that involves children, I can help. I will take you through the education process, informing you of your options. Once you decide what you would like to achieve, I will set a plan in motion for achieving it.
Do you need aggressive custody litigation? Some fathers know they need aggressive legal counsel. If you are willing to take the necessary steps for success, I will show you effectiveness and efficiency during your litigation.
Are you involved in a combative divorce or custody case? There are times when fathers involved in a messy divorce or custody dispute do not have any choice but to be aggressive. Your wife may be trying to take away your fathers’ rights by falsely accusing you of wrongdoing, seeking to mandate supervised visitations or limiting the chance of seeing your children. As your attorney, I will do what is necessary to achieve your goals.
For More Information, Call Now
Contact me in my Omaha office at 800-561-9043 to schedule an appointment today. Remember, dads have rights, too!