Dads have Rights Too

Dads have Rights Too

Helping Clients Understand Their Options When It Comes To Separation

You might have several reasons to consider a legal separation. In some circumstances, legal separation can be a better option than divorce. Some possible reasons a client may seek legal separation may include:

  • The parties not being able to meet the one-year residency requirement for a divorce
  • One party may have a preexisting medical condition and needs to maintain health insurance coverage
  • The parties may want to keep the tax benefits of remaining married
  • The parties cannot afford to separate a jointly owned business
  • One party or both cannot afford to live without some or all of the financial benefits marriage provides
  • The parties may have religious or moral reasons for remaining married

I can help you evaluate your particular situation and guide you through the process that can lead to a successful legal separation. In many ways, legal separation is similar to a divorce. Custody/parenting time, child support, spousal support, and division of assets and debts are all issues that are similarly dealt with in legal separations and in divorce cases. Consult with an experienced lawyer to discover your options, learn about the benefits and understand the process of pursuing your goals in Nebraska.

Ensuring Your Protection And Fair Agreements In Separation

There are still plenty of difficult decisions to be made in a legal separation. Matters relating to your child(ren), your finances and your assets will have to be addressed, evaluated and resolved either through agreement or litigation. The separation process is similar to the divorce process. Your lawyer must still make every preparation and evaluation of strategies to protect your rights and achieve fair outcomes regarding all of the following:

For Trusted Advice, Call Today

It is best to talk over your options with someone you can trust. Don’t wait to call my office in Omaha toll-free at CALL. You may also contact me online to schedule an appointment. My office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.