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Dads have Rights Too

Husbands: Verbal abuse proves as detrimental as physical abuse

On Behalf of | Aug 5, 2018 | Firm News

Physical violence in relationships receives a lot of publicity. Because a court holds the ability to charge men and women criminally for domestic abuse, verbal abuse lies on the backburner.

If you are exiting a relationship in which your former wife was verbally abusive, you may feel a combination of relief and confusion. Throughout the years of abuse, you may not have known the psychological damage words cause, and you may begin to recover from your toxic marriage. Identifying emotional abuse and its effects helps you to move forward with confidence.

Identifying the signs of verbal abuse

Because every relationship operates differently, you may not have noticed specific instances of verbal abuse. Perhaps your former wife used factors of intimidation or made you believe you were overreacting when discussions of abusive language came up.

Some examples of verbal abuse include:

  • Insulting you or your family
  • Calling you names
  • Shaming your personality or body
  • Demeaning your abilities
  • Telling you that you are worthless
  • Telling you that you will never find anyone better
  • Humiliating you in public
  • Threatening to hurt or leave you

While isolated instances may not seem important, the impact of continuous verbal abuse has serious effects on your mental and physical health.

The effects of verbal abuse

The psychological toll that verbal abuse has on abused men proves life-altering. Both short-term and long-term effects may lead to detrimental behaviors and serious emotional problems. Some husbands even become more attached to their abusive wives, believing that she is right, and they would be lost without her.

Some short-term psychological effects include:

  • Difficult concentrating
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Hopelessness
  • Shame
  • Nightmares

Long-term effects include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Physical, chronic pain
  • Insomnia

If you suffered from verbal abuse in your relationship or are continuing to suffer, reaching out to an organization for aid provides a guiding entity in your detrimental relationship. Should you be going through a divorce that cites verbal abuse, discuss your situation with an experienced attorney who provides you with the opportunity for healing and the best possible outcome of your divorce.
