As a divorced father, you know how difficult it can be to maintain a strong relationship with your children. This is even more so the case if you don't have physical custody.While there are a variety of challenges standing in your way, there are many steps you can...
Month: July 2019
Review of the Nebraska Parenting Act
Some men in Omaha who have gone through a custody or parenting time matter in family law court or who are contemplating having to do so may have heard of the Nebraska Parenting Act. This law governs all sorts of custody and parenting time proceedings and is relatively...
Other reasons to consider a premarital agreement
A previous post on this blog talked about how Omaha men can protect their business assets via a premarital agreement. Indeed, in some cases, one's business partners can even insist that a man execute a premarital agreement before tying the knot just to make sure the...
Why children need strong father figures
Sadly, many children grow up without both of their biological parents. Some of these children will have step-parents or adoptive parents who care for them, and others will only have one parent with whom they have a strong relationship. Children are resilient, and they...
Having involved dads helps children in school
As this blog has discussed on previous occasions, the presence of fathers in their children's lives has a number of important benefits for both the dads and their kids. This is one reason why our law firm dedicates its time and attention to helping men establish and...
We can help men with the details of their parenting plans
A previous post on this blog talked about the right of first refusal and its importance to many Nebraska fathers. Basically, in Nebraska, this right to provide childcare to one's own children needs to be protected in a man's court-ordered parenting plan. Otherwise, it...
Building a strong parenting agreement to protect your rights
Fighting for your rights as a father can feel like an uphill battle, especially if your child's other parent fights against you. The time that you spend with your child is an irreplaceable treasure, and you should always protect it carefully. For many parents, this...