Dads have Rights Too

Dads have Rights Too

It’s important to have paternity formally established

On Behalf of | Mar 20, 2019 | Firm News

If you are a single father, you will know that the feeling of love you have for your child is more important than anything else. While you may not be on your child’s birth certificate or otherwise formally recognized as the child’s father, you may feel that this is an irrelevant detail that will have no impact on the way you bond with your child. However, not being legally recognized as the father of the child could have negative implications in the future.

If you are not legally recognized as the father of the child, this means that the mother could decide to withhold visitation at any time. This can be a very distressing situation to be in, and it can be avoided by taking appropriate action to establish paternity as soon as possible.

I am uncertain about whether I am the father, what should I do?

It is important to realize that if you declare yourself the father of a child by signing the birth certificate or an affidavit, this will make you liable for child support. If you have any doubts about your paternity, it is a good idea to carry out a DNA test to put these doubts to rest. If the mother of the child is resisting this, it can be possible to obtain a court order so that a DNA test can be carried out.

I want to establish paternity, but I don’t know where to start

If you are certain that you are the father, you may have already voluntarily declared your paternity if you were present at the birth of your child. If you were not present at the birth, it is possible for you to complete an affidavit of paternity if your child is under the age of 18.

Will paternity guarantee that I will have visitation rights?

In most situations in Nebraska, fathers will be entitled to visitation with their child, unless there is a reason to say why this would not be in the best interests of the child.

If you want to successfully establish paternity so that you can be the best possible father to your child, it is recommended to take steps toward this as soon as possible.
