Dads have Rights Too

Dads have Rights Too

How can I get my parenting plan changed?

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2019 | Parenting Plans And Parenting Time

As this blog has mentioned before, Nebraska parenting plans are not set in stone. Unlike with other court orders and settlements, family law judges in the Omaha area have relatively broad discretion to modify the custody and parenting time provisions in a parenting plan. The logic behind this flexibility is that parenting plans are supposed to be drafted for the best interest of the children involved, and the best interest of children can change as time goes on and different circumstances arise.

However, courts in Nebraska cannot automatically change parenting plans just because one parent thinks doing so is a good idea. The parent desiring the change is going to have to demonstrate to the court that there has been what the law calls a material change of circumstances and that the parent’s new proposed plan is in the best interests of the children.

It is always nice when a mother and father agree on important and necessary changes to a plan and officially notify the court. In many cases, though, there may be a dispute about what changes, if any, are needed. In such cases, it’s really best for a man who is looking to change a parenting plan to speak with an attorney.

Moreover, men who are seeking a change need to be aware that each court in this state may have local practices through which they handle these sorts of cases. For instance, in Douglas County, a special office called the Conciliation Court may have to approve the proposed plan before a judge will hear the case.

Still, a change in a parenting plan can be just what an Omaha dad needs in order to have more opportunities to spend time with and build a relationship with his children. Therefore, these matters shouldn’t be approached lightly. Instead, Omaha men who are interested in addressing a parenting plan should consider consulting with a family law professional of their choosing.
