Dads have Rights Too

Dads have Rights Too

Establishing paternity when a mother has denied it

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2017 | Paternity And Custody

It’s a fact of nature that the issue of paternity can be debated. If a woman has multiple partners, she might not know who the father is. Or, if the mother and father were not married, the mother may try to conceal the father’s identity — even claim that the child’s father is unknown.

These days, DNA testing and blood testing are the primary means for fathers to establish paternity. In the past, before DNA tests and blood tests, it was very difficult for a father to establish paternity without the consent of the mother. These days, with an accuracy of between 90 and 99 percent, blood and DNA tests can be used as irrefutable evidence in family law court to establish a father’s custodial and/or visitation rights.

Blood testing for paternity began in the mid-twentieth century. By looking at protein molecules in the blood, specially trained lab technicians could make a determination on paternity in many cases. However, it was not until the 1970s that blood testing became more accurate and achieved up to a 95 percent success rate.

It wasn’t until DNA testing was refined, however, before courts could use that with almost exact 99.9 percent accuracy to determine paternity. The only time a DNA test could become problematic is if there were a question about which twins were the father of a particular baby. Generally, a blood sample or a cheek swab sample is used for a DNA test.

Omaha fathers who are struggling to establish paternity rights can speak with the Law Office of James A. Adams, PC, LLO. We will listen to your story in a free, no obligation, first-time consultation to determine what strategies may be viable to pursue your paternity rights in court.
