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Protection orders are not private affairs

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2019 | Protection Orders And Domestic Violence

An Omaha man who gets served with a protection order should resist every temptation to take the matter lightly. It sometimes seem to them that a protection order can be kept private so long as it is followed. In fact, though, an entry of a protective order against him is an official action of a court that is kept as a matter of public record.

Perhaps more importantly, protection orders are frequently entered into state and federal databases. Authorities and others use these databases for a variety of purposes, including background checks for firearm purchases and even pre-employment screenings.

For instance, many protective orders will get entered into the National Crime Information Center, which law enforcement officers and others across the country use for a number of reasons. Like a criminal conviction, a protective order is a functional black mark on a person’s record, and it can have long-lasting negative social repercussions.

The scary part about this is that, unlike the case of criminal convictions, someone asking for a protective order does not have to prove her case beyond a reasonable doubt to a jury. As this blog has mentioned before, all someone who wants a protective order needs to do is prove to a Nebraska judge that it is more likely than not that the allegations are true.

No one should assume that a protective order against him will not come back to haunt him in several respects. Particularly if the allegations are false or seriously exaggerated, someone served with a protective order should strongly consider seeking the advice of an experienced attorney.
